
The chapter will appear here after one week of being on steemit.  In the mean time you can comment here if you don't have an steemit account.

-- John Smith

Also feel free to debate the usage of wizards/witches vs adepts here.


  1. good job and thank for the hard work

  2. I am going to copy what i post to novel updates here:
    @DualModulus Thank you for pointing that out. I did not realized that i was changing the phase. However, looking at the raws Adepts seems rather an unique choice of words. I suppose can do that for the sake of consistency I suppose, but i do have reserves for that.

    Here is why:
    In the raws of ch 161:
    I have translated to:
    After becoming a fire class wizard....
    In the sentence 火系巫师 should be translated to fire class wizard, or fire class shaman.

    Fire Fly has translated 巫师 to adepts, but part of me makes me feel uncomfortable making up a word for it.
    The word adepts seems nice, and does fit to the the tone of the story very nicely, but to me it does not resemble the raw meaning very well, and to the point that i don't even associated adepts with 巫师 even as i was translating.

    In Chinese the word 巫 in literal sense means witch/ shaman/voodoo, and is generally associated with the western version of folktale witch-crafting of mixing potions, curses, etc... Which does not translates to word adepts, however adepts does a make the story flow better, and it does makes sense in the translated version. I will do a straw poll and see what happens.

  3. Here is where names get problematic for our mc's name. Green's name in Chinese 格力姆 does not have a common romanization English equivalent.
    What Fruit Fly use was the translation of the hotel name located in Korea 全州格力姆酒店 <--> Jeonju Greem, which is a Korean translation of the words(Koran and Chinese share some characters in their writing system).
    For Chinese the pronunciation would be gé lì mǔ, which is not something that has a good translation.
    For most characters I usually keep the name as-is by using the pronunciation or use a well know English romanization.
    However Green is special, as that his name is so deeply ingrained in our minds and switching his name to Chinese pronunciation is not something that would confuse the read.
    Therefore, I settle for the name green, as that is i something that western audience can read, related to the old translation and more importantly it is the first two character of name.

    Also, I suppose this is part of the process of inheriting a translation. I anyone have something they want to add, or things i miss something please tell me. I would use it to improve my translation.

  4. I am going to copy what i post to novel updates here:
    @DualModulus Thank you for pointing that out. I did not realized that i was changing the phase. However, looking at the raws Adepts seems rather an unique choice of words. I suppose can do that for the sake of consistency I suppose, but i do have reserves for that.

    Here is why:
    In the raws of ch 161:
    I have translated to:
    After becoming a fire class wizard....
    In the sentence 火系巫师 should be translated to fire class wizard, or fire class shaman.

    Fire Fly has translated 巫师 to adepts, but part of me makes me feel uncomfortable making up a word for it.
    The word adepts seems nice, and does fit to the the tone of the story very nicely, but to me it does not resemble the raw meaning very well, and to the point that i don't even associated adepts with 巫师 even as i was translating.

    In Chinese the word 巫 in literal sense means witch/ shaman/voodoo, and is generally associated with the western version of folktale witch-crafting of mixing potions, curses, etc... Which does not translates to word adepts, however adepts does a make the story flow better, and it does makes sense in the translated version. I will do a straw poll and see what happens.

  5. Here is where names get problematic for our mcs name. Green's name in Chinese 格力姆 does not have a common romanization English equivalent.

    What Fruit Fly use was the translation of the hotel name located in Korea 全州格力姆酒店 <--> Jeonju Greem, which is a Korean translation of the words(Koran and Chinese share some characters in their writing system).

    For Chinese the pronunciation would be gé lì mǔ, which is not something that has a good translation. For most characters I usually keep the name as-is by using the pronunciation or use a well know English romanization.

    However Green is special, as that his name is so deeply ingrained in our minds and switching his name to Chinese pronunciation is not something that would confuse the read. Therefore, I settle for the name green, as that is i something that western audience can read, related to the old translation and more importantly it is the first two character of name. Also, I suppose this is part of the process of inheriting a translation

  6. Well i don't have a good enough base in English!/Chinese/Korean to say something and you are the translator but i still think greem sounds better than green in the world background but it's only my opinion (The other two comments were posted by me)

  7. Names are truly problematic in English/Chinese translation. Only a small amount of names like Mary, Paul, and John are clear cut and have a correct answer, but the other 99% literally tossups.
    I think i will run another poll at next release on names, and see what everyone thinks.


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